How they Cleans!

How do soap nuts clean your laundry? The process by which soap nuts clean your clothes is naturally quite simple. The soap nut shells contains a natural saponin that works as a surfactant, making your water “wetter” and allowing it to penetrate the fibers of yours clothing, working away the dirt, keeping it in suspension in the water until it’s drained away, taking the dirt with it.

This Concoction Can Also Be Made to Do Your Laundry. Here’s How:

Boil 100 g of Soap nuts in 12 cups (3L) of water for 30 minutes. The liquid you have is now a concentrated, chemical free detergent. The leftover shells can be placed in your compost. Use 3 Tbsp or 45 ml of this detergent with each load of laundry. This allows you to do approximately 60 loads of laundry.

Wash The Cloths

Soap nuts are ideal as natural and eco-friendly detergent in the washing machine just put 3 to 6 Soap nut shells (4 to 8 half shells), according your loads, into un-bleached cotton bag or in a sock. Tied tight and pop the bag in the washing machine with your clothes, these are suitable at any temperature, pre-wash or rinse cycles and on delicate fabrics. Shells can be used for more than one wash (up to 4 or more washes, according to your loads) on same day, discard any remains when they go dark brown and soggy.
What’s left is a load of clean clothes and nothing else! That’s the way laundry should be. Much like clean water, clean laundry should not contain toxic chemical residues. In fact, it’s more important to consider what laundry products do NOT contain then to look at what they do contain.

These're Gentle

Soap nuts are 100% natural and gentle, like a Mother Nature! these are so best for those who have sensitive skin or suffering from neurodermatitis and allergy in particular will benefit from the use of Soap nuts, as clothes which were cleaned with Soap nuts do not irritate the skin. Also allergic persons and people with sensitive skin may use Soap nuts for bathing instead normal soaps or medicated soaps which are contains with chemicals. For this purpose put 100 grams of soap nut shells in a pot with at least 1.5 litters of water cover the pot and put on stove for boil for at least 30 to 40 minutes. The boiling process extracts the saponins from the soap nut shells and combines with the water. Let allow then to cool till safe to handle than strain into appropriate container.

Use them again!

Place some nut shells in the bag/sock (4 to 6 for soft water / 6 to 8 for hard water). Pull the string tight and tie it off. Then place the bag on top of your washing in the machine, with your clothes– that is it! Each “set” of shells should be good for up to 4 wash cycles. (Dependent upon wash temperature and quality of shells.) Change the shells after 3 to 5 washes and use the old (used) shells to make liquid (see below). Indeed, for other purpose of cleaning. You should be able to see in the below pics that fresh shells have a shiny inner surface. As if they were made from solid satin varnish! Or tasty toffee – so keep children away from them. This progressively changes to a matt beige as the saponin is released and the outer surface gets darker. Note that this is only really obvious when the shells have dried. You will find that they work better if multiply washes are done the same day. For that reason I keep the used nuts in the bag, in a small bottle, part filled with water.

Home Made Shampoo

The natural saponins found in Soap nuts are universal cleaning agents. Sure, they work great in the laundry, but did you know they are also traditionally used to clean skin and hair? In fact, the soap nut saponins work on everything from pets and children to washing fruits and vegetables. In ancient India, jewelers even used the soap to shine their precious metals and stones, giving them a beautiful natural luster.
A Soap suds made of Soap nuts is a shampoo, which reliably fights dandruff. A soap nut shampoo not only washes your hair but also cares for it. Especially allergic persons and people with a sensitive scalp should use soap nut suds to wash their hair: Because it is 100% natural and does not contain any kind of chemical additives, it will not irritate the scalp! Soap nut shampoo also best for lice and other kind of hair diseases. Women of south Asian countries are used this type of natural shampoo since stone ages. This kind of Soap nuts shampoo will make your hair strong, long, silky and healthy. Soap nuts shampoo does not damage your hair or skin although you use it regularly or rarely.

Medicinal Uses

Soap nuts especially are used medically as an expectorant, emetic, contraceptive and for treatment of excessive salivation, epilepsy, chlorosis and migraines. Studies show that saponin from Soap nuts inhibits tumor cell growth. Soap nuts are among the list of herbs and minerals in Ayurveda. They are a popular ingredient in Ayurvedic shampoos and cleaners. They are used in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for eczema, psoriasis and for removing freckles. Soap nuts have gentle insecticide properties and are traditionally used for removing lice from the scalp. Soap nuts are antimicrobial and are beneficial for septic system and gray water. Soap nuts are used in the remediation of contaminated soil.

Remember that you can create a liquid concoction to wash your hands, floors, counters, etc. but we have found that you can also bath with them.. Simply place a half a cup of your concoction in your hot bath water and enjoy yourself. Wash or soak and when you come out your body will have that clean feel to it not to mention a soft feel.

You can also use the Soap nuts by themselves. Throw in 4-5 Soap nuts and into the hot bath. Swish them around for a few minutes to get the saponins flowing and then step into the tub.

Use for Garden!

Worried about watering your garden in a hot, dry summer? Soap nuts are totally organic and, as stated earlier, a mild insecticide. It is safe, even beneficial to put on your garden. Your washing machine uses about 50 litres (12 gallons!) of water per wash. Collect that waste and your watering problems are over. Unless you are an aphid! By the way, all children’s clothes should be washed in these soap nuts to avoid exposing infants and children to the toxic chemicals found in commercial laundry products. And while you’re at it, why not save yourself from that exposure, too, by washing your own clothes with nature’s laundry soap?
Hand Wash:

Even when the shells seem exhausted they still contain some saponin and you can use them to make a FREE hand wash.

Put your old shells, with any new little “broken off” pieces that are too small to put in the bag / sock, in a blender. Add a half pint (ish) of water and blend for a few seconds. The idea is to break all the shells into tiny bits so that they release as much “soap” as possible.

View below Videos to know more

What Soap Nuts do NOT contain, include:

  • Foaming chemicals that, consumers into thinking their clothes are cleaner because there are “suds” in the wash. TRUTH: Suds have nothing to do with cleaning. They are chemical additives used to create the illusion of cleaning action.
  • Fragrance chemicals that make laundry “smell” clean. Most commercial laundry products use toxic, synthetic fragrance chemicals that are, in fact, well known to promote cancer and liver disorders. Laundry products are not really regulated by any single government agency, and there is currently no law banning the use of known cancer-causing chemicals in laundry products (much like with cosmetics).
  • Filler ingredients. Nearly all commercial laundry products are made with at least 50% filler ingredients to “bulk them up” and make them appear to deliver more value for the price. Consumers are mostly just buying the illusion of detergent, made mostly with filler.
  • You won’t find filler or toxic chemicals in Soap Nuts. Just pure, natural saponins grown by a tree and engineered by nature. In our opinion, that’s where more of our products should ultimately come from. Wouldn’t it be great if shampoo also grew on trees?

Actually, it does!

Sindhiya does!

Sindhiya Natural General Trading LLC, formerly Sindhiya Enterprises Bangladesh/Sindhiya BD Limited; explored a new way of Organic washing, Bathing, Shampooing thus multipurpose cleaning to trade SoapNuts in 2003.Sindhiya found the SoapNuts in the Himalayan range (in South Asia and South East Asia) Nepal, India, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Sindhiya collects the SoapNuts/Soap berries direct from the farmers of hill areas on reasonable prices without using the middle men commissions on fair trade method.
After collecting, transporting to warehouse, our well skilled team clean and de-seeded them with care and love.
All work done by villagers and it is a good enough source to earn their bred and daily essentials.
Sindhiya exports quality SoapNut shells worldwide, we have happy re-sellers in Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Lithuania, Malaysia, Oman, Philippines, Romania, Spain, Turkey, UK, UAE and more...